Carrie's Portfolio
The images on this page are the original creations of our artist, Carrie J Foster. Most done in pen and ink, gouache, graphite or a combination. You will also see paper mache, acrylic, charcoal and even a pool and steam roller prints! Chat with Carrie about available pieces or something custom. From portraiture to tattoo design and graphics. Out of your head and through her hands. Enjoy!

Passion flower. Pen and ink, gouache. 10x10 inches. Available

Solace. Gouache

Flight. Pen and ink. 16x16 inches, unframed. Available

Rube's Universe. Pen and ink, image 11x14, 2017, available.

Original t shirt design. The B*tch.

Space truckin'. Pen and ink, soft tip pen.

Ocular. White pencil on black canvas.

Raven and Mushrooms. Pen and ink. image 11x14, 2017

Self Portrait. Gouache.

Bob's Blue Flowers. Our handmade paper, ink.

Nautilus Garden. gouache, pen and ink.

Jerry's Horn. Graphite.

Lunar Eclipse. Refinished frame and mat. Gouache, pen and ink. 2018, available.

Cephalaknot. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 8.5x11. 2014

The Lovers. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 8.5x11, 2013.

Untitled. Graphite.

Untitled. Graphite.

Untitled. Graphite.

Free! Pen and ink, walnut ink. Image 11x14, 2016.

Blue Moon. Gouache, pen and ink, walnut ink. Image 10x10, 2015.

Chakra Mandala. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 8.5x11,

Sea Jelly. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 11x14, 2013, available.

Mother of Dragons. Graphite, image 12x12, 2016.

Totem. Pen and ink. Image 36x12, 2018, available.

Fall Skull. Gouache, pen and ink. Image, 11x14, 2016, available.

Untitled. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 11x14, 2016.

Untitled. Gouache, pen and ink. Image 11x14, 2016, available.

White Raven. Graphite, watercolor pencil. 12 inch round . 2018. Available.

Ocean Mandala. Pen and ink, gouache. image 10 x 10, 2016

Passion Flower. Pen and ink, gouache, gold ink. image 11x14, 2016

The Bride. Graphite. image 6 x 8, 2016

Hekate. Pen and ink, gouache. image 10x10, 2018 Available

Cthulu. 3D paper mache

Untitled. 3 d skull made of paper mache. 2015

Purple Knot. Pan and ink, gouache. overall 12x12, 2018 Available

View From Above. Graphite. image 10x10, 2013

Pas De Deux. Gouache. image 8x10, 2007

Untitled. Pan and ink, gold ink. image 11x14, 2011

Evermore. Pen and ink. overall 11x14, 2017

Ocean Oasis. Pen and ink, gouache. overall 11x14, 2013

Sacred. Pen and ink, gouache. 2015

Untitled. Pen and ink, gouache. 2014

Sea Orb. pen and ink, gouache. image 8.5x11, 2017

Untitled. Graphite. 2015

Medusa. Pen and ink. image 11x14, 2019 Available

Untitled. Pen and ink, gouache. 2014

Octopus Home. Pen and ink, gouache. image 11x14, 2017

Pooloctopus. Special pool paint. Private home. 2016